Miss Molly

Written by Belle.....

Part of my day with photographer Chrissy Torney which I wrote about here, involved a little photo shoot with Miss Molly.  The sun came out for a short while as we frolicked in the long grass.  This also involved my lying in mud and amongst prickles, all well worth it though, for these beautiful images...

It's a been awhile since I have shot outside, in the fresh air.  The Studio has been a place of warmth in what seems to be a never ending Melbourne Winter for us.  But after my day with Chrissy, I want to get out more, with clients but also for myself.  I have some pictures in my head at the moment that I am hoping to bring to fruition in the next few weeks.  I feel revitalised!

Sarah on the other hand, is enjoying her time at home.  She is patiently (well maybe not so patiently) awaiting Baby Bowen's arrival, as am I and the rest of the family.  I'm sure once Sarah is more mobile, her camera will once again become an extension of herself.  I can't wait for the beautiful images she will take and share with us all of her bundle of joy!

Sarah and Belle xx